Sunday, 18 July 2021

Random Legacy - Julia 1.2


Julia felt the need to drop her son off outside and I felt rage

Speaking of rage, young David felt the same as I

He was unhappy all morning

Julia took a moment to clean Franklin's cage

She barely made it through the day


Well...the sleep was nice while it lasted

"Good morning, David"

He was more agreeable today

Julia took a moment to do some much needed cleaning

It was time for baby #2 and Oliver was the winner

For a married man, he sure was willing

In other news, David aged up

(His traits are Loves the Cold and Good)

He was perfectly ok playing with his favourite toy while Julia puked in the garden

Julia figured it was time to pre-prepare some foods

Oh hey!

A bump

"Are you ready for a new brother or sister, David?"

Julia was excited for this new baby, as she rubbed her stomach while David pooped

David was an independent child and was perfectly ok playing by himself

He was also very cute

Julia was at the junkyard getting more scrap when she went into labour!

She calmly drove to the hospital

At least she had the decency to park closer this time

It's a girl!

Her name is Isabella

(Brave and Perceptive)

Oliver had arrived for the birth and drove her home

After arriving, David made his displeasure known



Rules I'm abiding by for Generation 1:

A) Marital Status: Single Parent

B) Number of Children: 3

C) Primary Income: Non Standard Career - Artist (I chose painter as a career but I'm sculpting as well)

D) No Roll

E) Generation Roll: Perfect Careers

F) Miscellaneous: Random Traits (I do this normally)

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