Sunday 20 December 2015

Rosewood - Adam and Eve 1.4

Winter had finally decided to show but Eve was able to weed her plants

Inside the house, things were getting crazy.

Luckily, Adam took care of things.

Their little house was getting smaller and smaller. Adam thought he should expand.

The children got a room. It wasn't too big but it would do.

Isaiah cried so much. Eve hoped he was alright.

At least when Gabriel cried, it was because he was hungry.

"Alright, little man. It's time to eat"


Gabriel loved his stuffed dragon. He played with it all the time.

Soon enough, Isaiah's birthday happened.

He has very big eyes.

These two never stop.

"Thanks for building the kids a room, Adam. It really was getting cramped in here."
"The kids need their own space anyway. Next time you want an expansion just let me know, hun."

The boys really liked their room and spent a lot of time playing in it.


"Night, Night Isaiah"

'Mother I suggest you put me down'

Eve started in teaching him how to walk.

It was at this point that everything started to break.
Adam had his work cut out for him.

Gabriel's 5th birthday came all too quickly in Adam and Eve's eyes.

"Blow it out, Gabriel"

Gabriel grew up well.

As they were having dinner, Eve wondered if they should expand the house more.
It was awfully small.

Gabriel spent a lot of time in the snow. He didn't have a lot of other things to do right of now.

"I'm sorry, Father"
"It's ok, Gabriel"

While not in the snow, Gabriel played with Isaiah.

Adam and Eve decided they wanted to add another child to their family.
3 seemed like the perfect number.

Bonus Shots:
This picture is so funny to me.

Eve was sacrificing Isaiah to the demons, it seems.

Calm down, Adam

The one time I want IFs and there are none in sight. Sigh.


  1. oh I really love the super blond hair. He's going to be evil? fun. Are you going to have a family trait that gets passed along or roll everything random?

    1. I got it off the exchange...I think. I may have just made it myself. I have no idea.

      Evil sims are everything.

      I was just going to randomize everything. I plan to use Eve's necklace as the thing I pass on. If this last baby isn't a girl, I'll just give it the heir's wife.
