Monday, 25 May 2015

Pham Insanity - Quintalyn 1.1

Rules: Here
Scoring System: Here
"I could've sworn I was in Monte Vista but I'll roll with it."
AU Quintalyn found herself in an ISBI challenge because reasons.

"I demand you name my first born son, Richie."

First things first. Get that inventing skill up.

Quintalyn made her way to City Hall to register as a self-employed Inventor,

She made her way to the Junk Yard to some much needed scrounging.

Since Quin needed a bathroom asap, she went to a nearby cafe.
There she met her neighbor.

Why Hello There~

Adam Birch shares two of Quintalyn's traits (genius, ambitious) and is very single.

A promising match indeed.

Quintalyn and Adam came back to the cafe for a date a few days later.

They hit it off instantly.

Quintalyn succeeded in not burning the mac & cheese.

"Oh, Adam! I made the most delicious meal last night"

Rude mail lady is rude.

I'm ok with these 99 simoleon bills.

"Those waffles...will surely burn, as usual"
They didn't. Hooray!

Back to inventing~

Oh for the love of...

I should have known...

Quintalyn, after saving herself, decided to sculpt for a while.

Look what Quin found on the lot!

"Neat! A space rock! I wonder if there's more around..."

"I think I'll blow something up when I reach level 5"

Quintalyn wrote Adam a love letter because she is a love sick fool.

"Omg! A door!"

"Stupid toilet..."

Date night in the rain.

It wasn't long until Adam moved in...and the real fun began.

The house got an upgrade thanks to the 20,000 simoleons Adam brought in.

While Quintalyn worked on her painting skill, Adam gamed hard.

I used the YA free use to show Adam where the bed was.

Two career levels in one go? Heck yes.

If you're so hungry, then go eat, Adam. There's two meals in the fridge.

I guess he's not that hungry.

Adam worked out for about 15 sim minutes until he realized he was hella hungry.

Adam games all day, every day.

It was Leisure Day and love was in the air.

"So I love you and this crazy but will you marry me maybe?"

"Of course, pretty lady"

I'm happy that Quin is happy.

They got married right in the living room since they couldn't wait one more minute.

"Let's go woohoo!"
"Sounds like a plan."

Bonus Shot:
When Quintalyn went to City Hall, these ghosts were protesting Astronauts.
I kinda wished they were protesting Grim.

These horses just appeared and won't leave.

For Each Sim Failing School:
Game Induced from Police/Firefighter/babysitter:
Passing Out:
Accidental Death:
Social Worker Visit:
Fulfilling LTW:
Honour Roll:
Randomizing LTW and traits for whole generation:
Not using spares happiness points:
Every 100 000:
Painting of Heir/TH:

Total: 0


  1. Congrats on the marriage and promotions. Too funny she's still setting herself on fire.

    1. Quintalyn will never not be on fire, it seems.

  2. This is going to be hilarious!!

    I find it amusing that she can suddenly cook. I was worried for her...then she caught herself on fire and I knew everything was right in the world.

    1. AU Quintalyn has many secrets her other counterpart doesn't know about apparently. xD
      She actually nearly died from that fire but I managed to save her at the last minute.
