Thursday, 26 March 2015

Pok Family Going Solo - Elsa 1.4

We start off by testing the fridge. Hooray!

Elsa may still not be very good a t cooking but at least we can do it.

Elsa's been stressed lately. Ever since her conversation with Savannah, the two of them have been at odd ends. That and the bills were piling up. Hopefully, a promotion would help things a little.

Oh good. The stove broke.

And then the toilet. Joy.

Savannah decided to go to the park while Elsa was at work. She hoped to see some of her friends there.

She found Luke sitting at the chess table.

Before she could ask to join, he ran off. Olivia soon took his place.
"Hi Savannah!"
"Hey Olivia."

They had decided to play space explorer but Olivia aged right before Savannah's eyes.

So much for that.
Savannah had always been a more independent sim anyway.

She returned home to find Elsa had bought her the violin she wanted!
Savannah would have to thank her later.

Days off were always so refreshing.
Elsa could take some time for herself...even if it was just a little.

She decided to give her friends a call.
"Bella? We should have a gym trip together. I know I know. the kids keep us busy."

Nancy had given her a call later that morning. They had wanted to go out for some time but things kept coming up. Raising a teenager must be rough.

"Ugh. Those frank and beans aren't helping us"

With Elsa gone at night, Savannah would do the chores after her homework was done.

All was good until the bin tried to eat her.
"Stupid thing!"

Savannah's pictures started getting a bit,,,dark.

Home alone for another dinner.

Elsa came home and joined her in front of the tv.

Elsa worried about Savannah.
She was left on her own so often and usually didn't see each other until late. Elsa hoped one day that her work hours would be more manageable.

Elsa had another day off and decided to use it to fix the house.

Later, Elsa finally made it to the gym.
It felt good to get back into the swing of things

She had been so cooped up lately that it was nice to meet new people.

Plumbing these days...

Elsa's promotion was still so far away. She worried about her little family so much.
Savannah's cheerful stories always made her feel better.

Elsa decided to try her hand at pancakes.
'I hope I don't mess it up'


Savannah's morning didn't go as planned.

Rocco came by for a visit.

His new medication had a side effect with his libido.
Elsa certainly wasn't complaining.

Elsa finally got her promotion!
She's a dance instructor now.

"Congratulations, Mom!"
"Thankyou, sweetie"

"Bye sweetie! Have a good time at school"
"Bye Mom"

A student, hellz yea.

Bonus Shots:
So I downloaded this new retexture and almost every teen girl decided it was the new hit haircut.

When Elsa was at the gym, Rocco came by and was like, "I love the booty"

Savannah, the pig sty

Girl, this is a gym. Don't you judge Elsa

Elsa got her shower stolen from her.
Damn you Don Lothario

Hurray for patches that actually fix things.


  1. LOL. I loved all your extra shots.

    So the fridge is working right again? I bet that makes things a lot easier.

    Hopefully the next promotion isn't too far away and the girls can spend more time together.

    1. Thanks Vuneca!

      Sometimes I am given the gift of silly sims and I need to take a pic.

      Yep! The last patch, before today's, must have fixed it. I may have cried in joy.

      I felt like that last one took ages to get even if Elsa was pretty close to it. Savannah's teen years are just around the corner so we'll see.

  2. Congratilations to the promotion! And for the pancakes :D
    Wow, It looks like lots of things get broken in their house! Well, at least she gets the experience repairing them. How are the glitches going? A bit better?

    1. Thanks, EliRoc. ^^
      Those pancakes always look so good. I make sure to eat lunch before I play.
      Just a regular carlimact household. xD Everything will always break.
      The fridge glitch is fixed but I think Rocco is awol. I'll have to check. I need him for my storyline afterall.
