Saturday, 7 March 2015

Pham Family Going Solo - Stephen 7.14

Quintalyn's little "hobby" has caught up to her and has been fined 16 000 simoleons! She decided to pay it quick before Stephen got wind of it.

Rika was on a mission. She was going to upgrade everything in the house. The appliances desperately needed it.

"Dad! You're in the way. I'm gonna be late..."
"Just a second, Tina. The bus won't drive off without you."

Seraphine had decided it was time to move out.
"Good luck out there, Sera. You know you can always call if you need us, right?"
"Of course, Stephen. I can't just leave and not keep in touch"

Needless to say, Quintalyn worried.
"Call me as soon as you're all moved in ok?"
"Ok Grandma. Whatever you say"

Seraphine was off to meet the big, bad world.

Even if the "big, bad world" was only down the block.

Stephen watched her go. It didn't seem all that long ago that she was still learning how to tie her shoes.
'Good luck, Kiddo'

"Do you know when Sera's next show is? I never got to see the last one and now that she moved..."

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Quintalyn. Sera won't get into trouble. She's too smart for that. I bet she'll call with her next gig date."

Stephen decided to sell his crops at the local grocery as well as buy the property out. He never knew what Grandma Quintalyn was up to and decided some extra funds would do them well.

Between school and work, life was kicking Tina's butt. The stress levels caused her to turn.

'A little nap won't hurt.'

Stephen and Kari had decided not to go on a honeymoon quite yet. With a teenager and an eccentric woman running the house, who knew what would become of it.

'I need to put some manners into that girl'

"Grandma Quintalyn? Do you think Daddy could make a cure for me? This werewolf business is annoying"
"You're fine the way you are, Tina. I think you'll miss turning if you get rid of it. It's a part of you. Embrace it"

'Oh thank plumbob. That hair gets annoying'

Tina was not about school life. It was a miracle her grades hadn't caught up with her.

"I better not be grounded when I get home..."

It was field trip time and they were off to jail.
"Do you think we'll see actual criminals?"
"I doubt it , Victoria"

Quintalyn's picked up a new hobby: Nudism.


Stephen really didn't need to see his grandmother naked...ever. He was speechless.

Rika eventually got to the fireplace. With that last fire, the family's safety has clearly in jeopardy.

Stephen found an odd seed while he was out and went to plant it.
'I wonder what it is...'

Quinatlyn ran out of scrap...


Her plans backfired on her.

"Darn the llamas!"

Kari had finished work and realized she was cooking a bun.

"Grandma? What happened?"
"Oh nothing dear. I just blew up a bit"

Stephen was putting out the trash when Kari came home.
"Stephen! I have great news!"
"What!? What is it?"

"I'm pregnant!"
"That's great! When did you find out?"

They were so happy. Kari had always wanted a family and Stephen was happy to have a second chance.

Bonus shots:
Kari and Bae are such good pals.

The Phams have suddenly become town celebrities. This guy likes to hang outside the house.

Tina's room is so scarce on wall space that her police station souvenir could only fit under her bed.


  1. The family is growing. Congrats to Stephen and Kari. LOL Quin that was heck of a fine! Hopefully she'll slow down on blowing up stuff for a little while at least.

    Aww...poor Tina doesn't like being a wolf. Wonder if she'll look for a cure when she gets older.

    1. I just wanted a baby. xD Since Tina couldn't have one...I improvised.
      Quin's in detention. Only the junkyard for her.
      Poor Tina indeed. I haven't really decided if I'm doing that yet. Maybe but we'll see.

  2. 16k? is that really how much she was fined? CRAZY!

    Good think Rika is there. I'm surprised they haven't burned the house down more than once.

    Good luc Sera and hooray for a new baby!

  3. If Quin is becoming a nudist she might not blow up things as much but after blowing herself up that might be a good idea.

    Congrats on Stephen and Kari's baby! Can't wait to see the new Pham
