Monday, 16 February 2015

Wish Upon a Star - Racheal 1.6

I spent the majority of my pregnancy upgrading the appliances in the house. I needed to keep busy if I was going to be stuck at home.

Curt had recently gotten into gardening. It would be nice to have some fresh produce to cook with.

"There will be no fires in this house. Not under my watch"

Curt took good care of me. He didn't want me doing too much in my current..state. It was sweet even if I wasn't going to break.

I decided to cash in my coupon and get my nails done while Curt was at his gig.

Curt had been doing really well lately in his job. I was happy for him!

Curt wanted to throw a party before the baby was born. 'One last hurrah', he told me. Apparently, he used to throw quite the parties before we got together.

Before the party started, Curt got some calls to do some sing-o-grams. A little simoleons didn't hurt anyone.

While Curt was out, I went into labour!

I managed to make it into our bedroom. We had decided to have a home  birth. I hoped I could do it on my own.

Some time later, I gave birth to a little girl!
Her name was Faith.

Downstairs the party went on. Poor Dina Caliente lost Mortimer recently and Curt was nice enough to sing her a cheer up -o gram.

I loved little Faith. Even if she did cry at all hours at the night.

Curt aged up while out on the job! I wish he could have made it home so we could celebrate.

Curt was a natural daddy. He took to Faith immediately.

"There there, Faith. Daddy's got you"

I decided to get back to work as soon as I could.

It was my adult birthday sooner then I expected. The years seemed to be flying by.

I decided a more mature makeover was in order.

Curt and I decided that we wanted another baby. I was willing to wait until Faith was a toddler before we tried again. I wanted Faith to be close in age with her new sibling.

As Faith got older, she seemed to be crying more often. I hoped she was ok.

"Alright Faith. Let's try to sleep."

My gig was a grand hit!

Curt didn't do too bad either.

I did so well that I got a weekly gig at the park. Every Thursday I would be preforming. It was so exciting!

Curt also got a weekly gig. Every Thursday he would be preforming at the coffee shop. Our Thursdays would be very busy.

"Curt, if the bread's no good you don't have to eat it"
"I don't want to waste food"

Faith was having her birthday!

She grew up so well!

Bonus Shots:
Mary Sue Pleasant seems to be Curt's number one fan

The proprietor for the park has the hots for Racheal. Even as a zombie he stalks her.

 Fire, Fire baby!

I think Curt might be a juiceoholic.

This car has been sitting outside the house for about a simweek now. Glitches man...

The babysitter is incompetent. I was doing so well too...

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