Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Pham Family Going Solo - Stephen 1.13

Seraphine was invited a party and she wasn't one to decline.

Too bad it sucked.

Might as well meet some people.

Tina doesn't really like being a werewolf much. It's all that hair that she can't deal with.

Kari came home from work and had a nice chat with Quintalyn. The two of them got on like fruit flies and apples.

"You don't mind hearing my ideas on the wedding, do you Kari?"
"No not all, Quintalyn. The more ideas the better."

Now our daily explosion.


Never stop Quintalyn, never stop

I had Quintalyn blow something up at the police station in hopes of getting her arrested. APPARENTLY NOT TODAY

It was the big day and no wedding is complete without hecklers.

Ignoring the haters, the ceremony continued on.

"I give you this ring..."

Quintalyn and Tina were so happy.

So was Seraphine.

...as a token of my love"

"I give you this ring as a token of my love"

May I present Mr & Mrs Stephen Pham!

"Let's go party, Mrs Pham"
"A grand idea, Mr Pham"

Unfortunately, Seraphine had to leave after the ceremony to go to a gig.

Quintalyn made sure to get a close view of the cake cutting.

Meanwhile, Seraphine was juggling knives.

Slow dancing was so last year.

Quintalyn got her jam on.

Yea....it didn't go well.

Tina was once again a slave to the full moon.

The night came to a close and the newlyweds went home....

...To immediately woohoo.

Tina got a gift from her boy.

In typical sim fashion, Kari burnt the waffles.

Stephen got a new outfit via mid life crisis.

School and Tina do not mix

Seraphine had another gig and apparently did bad. Hmmm...


"Oh Hi Ivan. Reviews were pretty bad but I think I did ok"

Bonus Shots:
That is not a fit outfit for a wedding, Seraphine.

There was an infidelity sorta in progress at the wedding venue.

The one where I really like this shot but I had no caption for it

Rika looks like she's got a sonic screwdriver or something


  1. Congrats to Stephen and Karri. Quin...surprised she's made it this long with all the stuff she blows up.

    1. Quintalyn is about 103 days old now, I think. That woman is determined to stick around.
