Saturday, 14 January 2017

ISBI- Alejandro 1.4

  Alejandro wondered how in the world he could convince Mckenzie to not eat cake for breakfast.

  Meanwhile, Nina was feeling ill

  Alejandro, who was none the wiser, went on his usual early morning run

  Mckenzie was pretty good at cleaning up after herself and often surprised Nina, who expected the opposite.

  Speaking of cleaning, Nina has a lot of it to do

  Since this is a legacy, portraits were needed

  Alejandro liked to read to Mckenzie. She always seemed so interested and liked to read herself. It was something he never got as a kid.

  Nina was still having issues

  If he wasn't working, Alejandro made sure to help Mckenzie with her homework if she needed it.

  In fact, Alejandro was a better cook then Nina in the long well as did the handy work

  Nina at least cleans up, but not after complaining a bit.

  While Alejandro and Mckenzie were out, Nina didn't have a lot to do and spent some of her time reading

  Nina had exciting news though!
"Alejandro, I'm pregnant!"

  Alejandro was so happy. He couldn't wait another little one to their family.

  They slept peacefully that night.

  Mckenzie woke feeling fabulous

  For some reason, Nina prefers to eat in Mckenzie's room.

  Despite her faults, Nina tries her best and hopes Mckenzie sees that

  To try to bond, Nina watched Mckenzie's favourite show with her.
"So who's that?"
"That's Roseman. He always saves the hero since she's spacey"

  Nina and Alejandro seemed to have their adult conversations right where Mckenzie was trying to watch tv. It was a bit annoying

  Mckenzie decided to go outside instead

  She even went to park and was edging on being out past curfew.

  ...And no one was the wiser

  "Eggs again? Why Dad?"

  "Morning, Honey. How are you feeling?"
"A bit ill but I think I'll make it"

 "I think Mckenzie is getting tired of eggs but I don't know how to make anything else for breakfast. Haha"
"Well, I like your eggs and I'm sure you'll learn how to do more. There's a reason my mother gave me those old recipie books"
"Thanks, hun. I'll give them a try"

  Doing work was not in the cards for Nina that day.

  It seemed like a knight kind of day for Alejandro

  Nina doesn't really get it but let's him be

  Mckenzie just thinks her dad is weird

  "Mom, when's the baby coming!?"
"Hopefully soon, Mckenzie"

  "I really hope this baby comes soon, Alejandro. I feel so fat"
"Fat? You're not fat..just cooking a baby is all. I bet you'll be at your old weight in no time!"

  Alejandro always knew just what to say

  The bassinet looked quite empty and Nina longed to fill it.

  Mckenzie sometimes got the midnight munchies

  Despite her snack breaks, Mckenzie usually gets up pretty early.

  Alejandro woke to find Mckenzie was already watching her morning cartoons

  "How'd you sleep, Kiddo?"

  "Mckenzie, I never asked how you feel about this new baby"
"I can't wait, Dad! I hope my new sister comes soon!"
"Sister? It could be a new brother you know"

"Sister Dad. A sister"

  Alejandro didn't even want to know where that confidence came from
"Well, just don't be too disappointed if you get a brother, ok?"

  "Ok. I just don't want to change the walls in my room"

  Alejandro drove Mckenzie to school that day and wished her well

  It didn't.

  Alejandro returned home to disaster.
"I really need to replace this sink"

  Nina was taking out the trash when she went into labour!
"Ooh! You certainly have excellent timing baby.."

  Nina waddled into the house and prepared to give birth

  It's a girl! Just like Mckenzie predicted.

  Since Mckenzie was right, Nina decided to go with the name that she loved the most: Ryleigh.

  Ryleigh was such a cute little baby and Nina just adored her.

  It wasn't until Ryleigh cried that Alejandro realized he missed everything.
"The baby is here!?"
"Yes, you slept through the whole thing. Her name's Ryleigh. Now, can you stop screaming!?"

  Alejandro took up the feeding duty, as he felt bad for missing Ryleigh's birth

  As Nina made breakfast, a thought came to her.
'Where are we going to put her?'

 Self Wetting:
Passing Out:
Failing School:
Accidental Deaths : 
Social Worker Visit : -15 (I'm counting the social worker messages as visits)
Single Birth : +10
Twins : 
Triplets : 
Any sim in the household completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child and Adult): 
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations : 
Skills maxed by NTH family members : 
NTH children earning an A in school : 
NTH sims reaching the top of a career : 
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation : 
Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation : 
Every 100,000 simoleons earned* : 
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder : 
Total: -5
Oh Hai~
It's been a while. I've been busy working and I was out of the sims mood. 
I'm super stoked and had fun experimenting with them.
I had this update sitting on my computer and I thought I might as well post it, This is when I realized that the Valdez household needs a bigger house. Time to move house I guess. :p

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