Saturday, 21 January 2017

Quin's Baby Woes - Chapter 2

  The nightly peace is interrupted with Zara screaming for food.
   "There you go, Zara. All better"

  While Zara slept, Quintalyn got to work

  Is that a Knife Block?
"Nope! It's a mirror"

  After widdling for a while, She set her sights on painting

  That was until Zara woke up

  The poor girl was hungry.
"There, There"


   Quintalyn took this moment for herself

  I decided that every time this message appears, Quintalyn will continue on with baby making

  So who you gonna call?
"You'll see"

  Quintalyn had called Colby Davis, who would have been attractive if he got a new hair stylist

  He seemed like a pretty chill dude and Quintalyn thought this would be easy.

  Quintalyn's advances were interrupted when Zara pooped herself.
"Now Zara, you be a good girl while I make you a sibling ok?"

  Quintalyn wasn't wrong in her earlier though. Heck, she even fed him.

  It didn't take long at all for Colby to be seduced

  Colby had fallen hard. He even gave Quintalyn a rose.

  After moving upstairs (for some reason), Quintalyn dropped the bomb
"Do you want to go to the bedroom?"
"You bet"

  You can always trust a man you wears bunny slippers, I suppose

  Colby left almost immediately after

  "Well, we don't need him anymore anyway"

  Zara was such a cute little baby. Quintalyn wondered what she'd look like as she grew older

  "Darn, I lost to myself again.."

  It was in early morning that Zara was crying again

  She wasn't or needed her diaper changed, Little Zara was just..unhappy.
"What's wrong Zara? Why are you crying?"

  Zara seemed to just wanted to be held and calmed down soon enough

  Quintalyn, always looking for a way to make money, decided to take of writing

  Zara's birthday came sooner then Quintalyn was expecting

  She's a cutie!

  Zara toddled off to explore, excited for the playroom her mother had made

  She found a doll in the toy box and happily played

  Also, she put away her toys which gives me life

  At this point, Zara became quite tired and was not afraid to tell her mother

  This would be a happy moment if not for one thing


  As Quintalyn brought Zara to bed, she noticed the little tyke seemed nervous.
'I'll have to do something about Arun...and soon'   

  Zara seemed pretty unhappy in the long run

  "Sleep tight, Zara"

  Quintalyn got down to business: Getting rid of Arun
"So Arun, you need to go. It was fun but I'm over it"

  "I mean, don't you have a wife to go home to...and children?"

  Arun seemed to get the message

  Suddenly, Zara woke up from a nightmare.

  "There, there, Zara. It's all over now"

  "Are you hungry?"

  "Let's get you a little snack, ok?'

  Zara was happy with her peas

  "Alright, time for bed"

  Quintalyn read her a story and soon Zara was asleep

  Except, Quintalyn still had a problem
You see, Arun was still here

  Quintalyn hoped that an argument would make him go
"Look dude, the woohoo sucked and your mother is a llama"

  Arun seemed to leave them but...HE DIDN'T

  As Quintalyn gave Zara a bath, she contemplated her situation
"How in the world am I going to get him to go home?"

  She decided to take Zara to the park, hoping Arun would leave on his own
"Can you say, 'Bed'? We sleep on it"

  After spending a couple hours out, Quintalyn headed home
"Do you think your Dad's gone now, Zara?"

  Quintalyn had a new plan then: Just leave him somewhere.
"I hope he goes home now"
Me too, girl

  Luckily for us, that worked.
Zara played with her blocks without interruption

  While playing, Zara would listen to her mother talking about...something. She didn't quite understand yet

  After that trying day, both ladies needed a good night sleep

My god Sims 4...can't you update the game without making our lives difficult?
According to the forums, some of the houses on the gallery change from residential to generic and that's why sims won't leave your home. That wasn't my problem though. I checked and the house is still residential. I just suffered from the latter problem. Thankfully, the solution of leaving Arun at the park seemed to work. The glitch isn't game breaking but it sure is annoying.

I hope Colby stays away. I don't want this to turn into a black widow challenge.


  1. OMG Amun, get the message! Sorry to hear that your game glitched, I'm super happy to see Quintalyn again though. I'd missed your updates. Go get em, Quin!

    1. Damn you Sims 4! -shakes fist-
      I was so close to setting him on fire, you have no idea.

      Thanks! Sometimes I take long breaks from playing until I find inspiration or there's some crazy update. xD

      Quin, the man killer....but literally. xD

  2. Zara is such a cutie :) Oh boy did Quin have trouble getting rid of Arun. That guy just wouldn't get the message. Congrats on the next baby.

    1. Thanks Piazza! Zara is my baby and I love her.
      I have a feeling Colby is going be similar but maybe the game has gotten its act together...but probably not. :/

  3. "Look dude, the woohoo sucked and your mother is a llama"


    I had a similar glitch with this update and it ended up breaking my game. One of the baby daddys wouldn't leave but was also non-interactable. I ended up deleting the save. Which I totally regretted later. Ah well.

    Good luck with those toddlers Quin! they sure add A LOT to the game

    1. My humor comes at the best times, it seems
      Freaking sims 4, I swear...

  4. Bummer. Crazy he wouldn't go home. Glad you finally got rid of him. How cute is little Zara. Aurn is annoying, but he helped make a cute kid so we'll cut him some slack. LOL

    Hope bunny slipper guy passes on good DNA too. :)

    1. I was so close to setting Arun on fire you have no idea
