Sunday 12 October 2014

The Parker Legacy - Aina 1.1

Hello all! I started my Sims 4 legacy challenge! I am very excited and I hope it'll be a lot of fun. I already have an idea in mind of what's going to happen.


Aina Parker arrived in Oasis Springs immediately following her Grandmother's will reading. She had given her a property. An actual house! Aina, you see, was straight out of university and had nothing.

Except, it wasn't a house that was given to her. It was a rather large plot of land.
"This was not what I was expecting..."

Aina gathered her remaining funds and managed to buy some necessities

   'I should probably meet some people...Oh! A neighbour!'
That neighbour happened to be Mortimer Goth, who lived in the next town over. Aina felt that he was rather important around here.

After having a nice talk to Mortimer, Aina was off to the gym. She always been active and didn't want to stop now.

Aina decided to vent with every machine in the place.
'What the hell am I going to do now?! I have no money or a roof!'

 'I need a job asap!'

Besides working out, Aina spent a lot of time at the local bars.

She was fairly popular.

 It didn't matter how much she drank away her sorrows...Aina always left happy.

Aina went to bed dreaming of employment.

Aina had a big interview with the FBI.
"Ok, Aina. You're going to get that job. Don't take no for an answer!"

Aina jogged back from her interview. She felt good.
"You nailed it girl!"

After making it home (and fully intending to relax), she met a neighbour. Don Lothario. He was quite the charmer and Aina quite liked him.

 "I wonder if I'll see him again soon..."

Later that day, Aina met up with her new friend, Johnny Zest. She met him at one of the bars and agreed to join him at the local lounge.

"Hey Aina! How you liking Oasis Springs so far?"
"Well Johnny...I'm having a rough time, to be honest."

Aina explained to Johnny about her Grandmother and the plot she left her and her money situation.

He seemed honestly concerned.

"It'll be alright, Aina. I'm sure you'll get that job and will be building your house in no time."

"You bet! I have a lot of faith in you."
 Aina had never met anyone quite like Johnny before. She was used to a certain type of man...and they weren't nice.

Whatever the reason...Aina had the feeling she could trust him.
"Thanks for believing in me, Johnny"

Aina had a fun night with Johnny and received news that she did get the job. They celebrated with some juice.
The next morning, Aina was confident it was going to be a good day.

It wasn't.
"What a crappy day"

Aina needed a computer to do her job but lacked the funds to do so. She spent a good time at the library...and getting into arguments with the people she sat next to.

Aina wasn't having the best time of her life. She was sad...and lonely.

She wanted to be with someone. She wanted a companion.

Bonus Shots: are interrupting my shots (This one would've been perfect too....)

Nancy...can you not

Even Aina is like, Bitch get out (They, ironically, don't like eachother)

Aina swears to drunk, she's not god

Aina's so pretty.

Aina is in the gallery if anyone wants her. As stated before, carlimact is my origin name. :)

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