Tuesday, 26 September 2023

ISBI - Makayla 1.5


Koji helps with the baby....at the most inconvenient times

At least Nicholas is happy

The couple spent new years watching the fireworks

Koji and Tammy became friends

A new season means makeovers

Things got spicy in the hot tub

However, this had consequences

Makayla really didn't want another baby right now

They were both not ready for another baby but decided to make the best of it

One day, however, Makayla felt a strange pain and headed to the hospital

Makayla sadly had a miscarriage

I think it was twins since there were two gravestones

Makayla told Koji about what happened and sorrow filled the home

I'm sorry Tammy but we're too busy lamenting to celebrate

Nicholas aged up

Tammy kept Makayla company while she grieved

Makayla, once being able to leave her bed, spent a lot of time with Nicholas

"I'm sorry I was away but I'm here now"

Both parents found solace with their son

"Tammy, we talked about this..."

While Koji did try to comfort Makayla, she found spending more time with Nicholas helped

The wound would heal in time

Updated family photo


Self-Wetting: -10

Pass Out: -10

Failing School:

Negative Traits Earned by NTH:

Accidental Deaths:


Social Worker Visits:

Single Birth: +5



Any sim in household that reaches aspiration milestones:

Any sim in household that completes aspiration:

Toddler skills at Lv 3:

Skills maxed by NTH family members:

NTH children earning a A in school:

Positive traits earned by NTH:

Happy Infant trait earned: 

Happy Toddler trait earned:

Top-notch infant trait earned:

Top-notch toddler trait earned:

NTH sims reaching the top of their career:

Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation:

Not using spare's satisfaction points for an entire generation:

Every 100,000 simoleons earned:

Immortalizing the TH: +5

Total: -10 

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