Saturday, 3 October 2015

Dreams do Come True - Snow 1.4

Mason was thinking that maybe they should get married.
"Snow, we have 3 kids and I think we should go and get married already"

And get married they did.

They said their vows with honesty.

Shania watched and was very happy that her parents were finally getting married.

Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Sackholme!

"Mommy! I'm so happy!"
"Me too, honey. Me too"

"Are you ok, Mommy?"
"I'm just a little nauseous, dear"

 Snow decided to paint the night away

"There, There Jaime"

Jaime had her birthday.

Welp. I forgot she was pregnant.

Sexy sleepwear is sexy

"Yawn~ That was a good sleep"

Shania liked to practice her moves in the morning.

Snow has appropriate dreams


Snow freaks out just a bit before fixing the toilet

Snow was asked to speak at the highschool about being handy in life. She left the care of the girl's in Mason's hands.

"Come home soon, dear"

Mason decided to cook a little.
With so many mouths to feed, he needed the practice.

Snow returned and noticed Mason.
"How's the cooking, dear?"

"'s...getting there"

Second attempt.

Jaime was having a rough day.

Shania and Lacey were left up to their own devices while Snow was busy with Jaime.

"Have  a good sleep, Jaime"

"These pipes...I swear"

Meanwhile, Lacey needs to learn to chill.

"There's a good girl. One step at a time"

Mason took a trip to the casino to make some extra cash...and failed.


The only thing I had to change was her hair.
Good job, Sims 3, good job.

Girl....I expect great shenanigans from you.

Lacey signed up for scouts.

"Shania, I was hoping you could help me around the house. The new baby  is going to keep me busy."
"Sure, Mommy. I don't mind."

Snow went into labour that night.

Lacey does not react well.


The girls woke up the next morning to the cries of their new siblings.

Snow made sure to keep up with her work when the quads weren't demanding her attention

Snow was a little concerned about the bills these days. She had 7 children and had no idea how they were going to feed them.

She figured she should get Jaime's skills up to par with the new babies to tend to.

Mason's sister likes to bother him.

Soon enough, Snow joined Mason in adulthood

A little makeover seemed like a good idea.

She was just a little terrified.

" you think we'll ever get any sleep?"
"You should just to what I do, Lacey. Sleep during lunch hour"

Jaime needs to age up like asap.

Bonus Shots:
I had Mason come out and catch some fireflies. are being extra creepy.

The babies from right to left (I think):
Katherine, Bridget, Paul, Cinderella

Snow is me


Jaime is looking possessed

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