Friday, 9 January 2015

Wish Upon a Star - Racheal 1.4

With my wedding on the horizon, I decided to throw a bachlorette party.

I also went dress shopping. We were getting married on the beach so a shorter dress was ideal.

It was party time! I hoped the elevator wouldn't crush me today.

We went to the dance club across from my apartment. The girls had brought me a dress to wear that screamed 'bride to be'.

I decided a few drinks were in order.

The stripper came and we danced the night away.

I may have had a bit too much to drink.

By the time I made it home, it was almost 400 am. I definitely needed some sleep.

Today was the big day! Curt called me this morning since we couldn't see each other until later.

I decided to waste some time at the casino. I regret nothing!

It was later that night that we said our vows.
I am happy to announce that we are now Mr. and Mrs. Kline!

We cut the cake and enjoyed ourselves.

"I've never been to your house, Curt. Is it a nice place?"
"You bet it is. It's right on the water and big enough for us and a few."

Curt was not kidding. His house was huge!

We were so tired from the wedding. It was good to finally get some sleep.

Curt and I couldn't keep our hands to ourselves.

We had busy lives and tried to have a date night whenever we could.

Bonus shots:
This zombie interrupted the festivities

Turns out he just wanted to dance.

We were visited by an alien friend.

You guys have no idea what I went through to get these idiots married. Curt wouldn't show up so I had to keep calling him and eventually asking him on a date so he'd finally come to the lot. By the time everything was said and done it was 1000 pm. I started the wedding at 400 pm. :/

Also, Curt's house is ridiculous. Holy nectar basement batman!


  1. LOL gotta love sim weddings. I had that once before when the groom wouldn't show up. I finally added him to the house in order to get them married but it was so annoying! Congrats to the newlyweds.

    1. This is why I usually do private weddings. Sims are so silly I swear.
      Thankyou! Hopefully some babies will come soon.
