Monday, 2 August 2021

1 Sim, 100 Babies - Chapter 5

 Rohan Elderberry must have heard that this house was the place to be and made a surprise visit

I wouldn't suggest it my guy. Sasha is very irritable today

She invited him in anyway and they chatted

A family that poops together, stays together


Sasha made the decision to finish the story before going upstairs

Thankfully, Benjamin just wanted a cuddle

Sasha focused on teaching Alexander some skills to ease her rage

"Can you say 'toilet'?"

"Are we done now?"



Good thing too. Sasha's back was killing her

Baking, apparently, made Sasha feel better so she made some bagels

The baby decided to come at this very inconvenient moment

Sasha then proceeded to pee herself before it was time

This labour was rough

It's a girl!

Her name is Chloe

Alexander was not ok with this

lol Poor Sasha

The baby apocalypse has begun


Benjamin is aging up!

I brought Benjamin into CAS to remove the makeup that the game decided he needed.

He also aged up with Clingy trait, which I thought was appropriate

He didn't want his sister either

The bills got away from me and the water and power were shut off.


Geoffrey made a surprise visit and played with Alexander

Storytime worked out this time

Benjamin, in his sibling hate, destroyed the doll house!

Sasha gave him a talking to

She proceeded to fix it

The boys were generally adorable

Sasha was cross stitching and felt a disturbance in the force

Thankfully, there were no abductions that night

The boys were skilling together and Alexander decided to read a book on his own

These kids never looked so angelic

Chloe is more agreeable than Benjamin


Updated Family Photo

New photos

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