Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Rebuilding Chapter 8


The family managed to have breakfast together for once

"Sigh. This house is disgusting..."

"How about we split up the chores? That would make the clean up easier"

Dalton did some decorating and this gnome ended up in prison

"What's up, buttercup?"

"I...hate homework"

Hazel continued to work on her badges

Hannah later joined her in her dancing

"Sis! You should join scouts too!"

"I don't know, Hazel..."

"Come on! It's fun!"

Hannah decided to avoid the conversation by practicing her typing

The monster continues to pester the twins

Regina and Hazel danced the day away

"Did you get your badge yet?"

"Not yet...Mom says if I keep at it the badge will be mine in no time"

Speaking of Regina, her period is kicking her butt

Hannah spent a lot of time playing doctor and Regina had hopes

In other news, they got a new computer

Dalton wanted a cat, so we got a cat

Her name is Belle

Dalton loves her, and so do I

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

S4 Lepacy - Hana 1.1

 Hana Sakaguchi is the founder of this lepacy and has moved to Willow Creek

She joined the culinary career soon after moving in

Hana took up gardening as a hobby

The neighbours came to visit and one of them was Travis


She invited everyone inside and got to know them

Hana grew close to Travis and he came over often

That night, they went on a proper date

Hana even gave him a kiss

They went on another date

It was official now

Hana took up fishing to go along with her career

She would catch something eventually

The couple dated for a while before Hana proposed

Travis accepted

They decided to move in together

Hana headed off to work, leaving Travis to enjoy his day off

They celebrated their future together after Hana returned home

Bonus Shot:

This image of the Landgraabs made me laugh


I prefer to move along pretty quickly with founding relationships in a whirlwind romance sort of way. That and I'm trying to beat story progression before Travis was taken from Hana.

Gen 1: Base Game

Recommended World: Willow Creek, Oasis Springs or Newcrest

Have your sim get a career of their choice (Base Game only!)

Have your sim meet their future spouse at work or a pedestrian/neighbour (Base Game only!)

Cannot get married until reaching LV 4 of their career

Cannot have children until reaching LV 5 of their career

Pick up a hobby and reach LV 3-5

Complete aspiration and get to top of career

Sunday, 22 August 2021

1 Sim, 100 Babies - Chapter 9

 I removed a lot of my Buy mode CC so Chloe got a new bed

Me too, Sasha, me too

Alexander wiped out in the bathroom

Sasha really needs to mop that floor I swear

Alexander, after getting over his sibling hate, tried to help his mom out

Thankfully, it's age up time for Daisy!

She's a precious bean

Daisy is also the only one so far that likes her siblings

It's Benjamin's turn

Sasha is just so tired and Elias is needy

Daisy decided to skill on her own and I'm here for it

Benjamin invited one of the Roswell children over to play

Alexander, how could you

I watched her do this...

"Daisy, we don't throw our food"

I don't know what you were expecting, hun

Daisy now officially is in a war with her mom


Sasha hoped a story would calm her down

She didn't quite make it and Chloe was there to watch it happen


"Chloe, no throwing food"

She seems so pleased with herself

Benjamin is a little pudgy so I thought it was time for diet ice cream

Rohan was, apparently, here.

Chloe did not approve

Benjamin was not about this school life

Meanwhile, Alexander is still the best student

Sasha finally had some time to knit and sold two of her items in record time


Elias and Eva's wall photos

Alexander got sick at school

Sasha told them to do a health check

So this happened...

I was cackling