Friday, 5 August 2022

Random Legacy - Julia 1.4

 David decided to age up without me

He gained the genius trait so I gave him glasses

David wanted a hop-scotch so we got him a hop-scotch

Julia never pukes in the toilet...always in the garden

This zombie did not appreciate it

David headed off to school, but seemed unsure

In other news, Julia found out she's pregnant

After school, David invited his friend over for a homework party

Julia signed David up for Chess Club so he could keep himself busy

Since Julia was busy with Isabella and her pregnancy, David was given chores to help out

Julia went to the grocery store with Isabella. 

She decided not to bring her inside so Isabella played with her shark outside

With the cold temperature finally gone, Julia could take care of her garden

David brought home a souvenir from the class trip to the science center

David liked to play chess online after he finished his chores

Franklin sadly passed away

Julia cleaned up the tank through her tears

They ended up getting a bird, also named Franklin

David went to the festival

Julia did some chores to keep herself busy

David made a friend

"Can you say 'fork'?"

The baby decoded this was the perfect moment to come

Julia made her way to her bedroom to give birth away from Isabella

It's a girl!

Her name is Justine

Julia was happy that Justine was finally here.

Her pregnancy wasn't exactly a walk in the park

Meanwhile, David was playing tag


"Good job!"

David was really pushing his curfew for pie

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