Tuesday, 1 February 2022

1 Sim, 100 Babies - Chapter 14

 It was time to mass cook again

And just like that, Sasha mastered the cooking skill

Eva that is not the best place to stand...

Alexander came to visit and Faith was so happy to see him

Elias was in a mood and Faith really had no time for that

The kids came home with school projects and proceeded to don them in the rain

The twins finally age up!

Elias got cheeks for days and Eva grew up fabulous

Homework party at the dinner table

Eva and Faith had a little chat before bed

Obligatory sleeping Eva because she's adorable

Ahhh...sweet silence

This pregnancy is really getting to her

The twins were the first two up and managed to have a quiet breakfast

Sasha forgot to pay the bills for a hot minute

I did a bit of renovating and fused the kid's playroom with the nursery

Once again, it was time for diet ice cream

If all these kids get sick, I swear to plumbob

Sasha continues to cook for days

Since Sasha already master the cooking skill, she was focused on the gourmet cooking skill.

However, she wasn't very good yet

"You ate all of it?"

"I didn't want to make mom cry"

Tragically, Crackers died.

So I got them an aquarium and filled it with fish Chloe caught

The kids were driving me crazy so I sent them off to play 'Don't wake the llama'

"Everyone is at school, Faith"

Faith: -is sad-

Sasha then proceeded to lose control of her bladder on poor Faith

Benjamin finally aged up

I had to give him a makeover since the game did him dirty

Daisy and Elias took to battling

This baby finally decided to come

It's a girl!

Her name is Gina

I noticed Elias wasn't in bed and...well

At least he's helpful


Updated Family Photo

I've never seen this one before

I chose option 3

Benjamin was nervous about his big test and Sasha gave him some sage advice

Gina's daddy got busted

Benjamin was dealing with a serial lunch stealer.

He got no justice that day

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