Saturday, 3 April 2021

ISBI- Van 1.4


Julia woke up and side-eyed the laundry like she was going to do it. 

Don't lie to me girl

The small family had breakfast together for once

"Ok, buddy. Time to be squeaky clean"

After his bath, Julia attempted to teach Cale to talk

Van retreated to look after his garden

Cale learned the potty all by himself and I'm so proud

He also loves his bear

This boy is adorable one minute and other a terror

The couple figured it was time for baby #2

"And they lived happily ever after"

Really, Julia...really?


Van had to come help

He also had to fix the fridge.

We struggling

At some point, Julia had abandoned Van during the fire

Cale was oblivious to all of this

He continued to babble to Van like any other day

The baby making continued

Only Julia would clean the grass

But wait!

She did the laundry so I'll forgive her

Van came home exhausted.

It was hard being the breadwinner

The stress continued on with Julia, who found out her fertility really wasn't that good.

(Or Wonderful Whims told be that she has a 28% chance of getting pregnant. Rude)

"Ok, Julia. You can have another baby...just keep trying"

To keep her mind off things, Julia played with Cale

Cale would later follow her everywhere with interest

Van decided to work on some jingles to make some extra simoleons


Van to the rescue

You will be the death of me

"Still got it"

Julia had since retreated to safety...and smelled awful

In other news, Van got a promotion and received this beautiful grand piano!

(I sold the keyboard and made some extra simoleons)

Cale made his way to his parents' room with purpose. He smelled like poo and demanded a bath


After much trial and error, Cale did get his bath

Julia wanted to help ease Van's stress and helped out with his garden


Julia attempted to teach Cale to talk again

"Can you say block, Cale?"

It's Van's birthday!

Since the seasons have changed, everyone gets a makeover

Julia beat the odds!

"Van, I'm pregnant!"

He was so happy!


Torch Holders: 1

Aspiration Achievements:

Social Worker Notification:

Accidental Deaths:

Immortalizing Torch Holder:

Pass Outs: -10


Fires: -10


Bill Notifications:

Reach Top of Career:

100,000 Simoleons:

Sim Failing School:

Birth: +5

Twin Birth:

Triplet Birth:

Honor Roll:

Randomizing every Aspiration and traits for an entire generation:

NPS getting top of career:

Total: -15

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