Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Rebuilding Chapter 3

The couple were busy looking after their twins.

Dalton was still exhausted from the night before and napped throughout the day

Regina spent her free time blogging about her plants

She didn't even have time to change

Dalton attempted to stay awake with a strong cup of coffee

Regina post-labour is randy as heck

Do the babies

Hazel just seems traumatized by the whole thing

They won't stop...someone send help

Dalton and Regina took turns during the night.

Hannah was having none of it

If it wasn't one, it was the other

Regina had to leave for work, thus Dalton was left alone with his fussy daughters

It begins...

Regina returned home and took care of those pesky leaves

"Alright, Hazel. It's time to go to sleep and let Mommy and Daddy get some too"

At this point, Regina was used to microwavable breakfasts

Dalton found some time to make some breakfast. It was a miracle really

The twins are aging up!

The girls are fraternal twins

Dalton took a spare moment to himself in the bathroom

He was thankful that the girls could amuse themselves for the most part

Hazel was not onboard with having a sister, which confused Hannah

Meanwhile, Regina really needed a vacation

Thankfully, the ice rink just opened next door. She didn't look too happy about it but skated anyway

"Ok, Hazel, it's time to use the potty"

The girls seemed to have made up

Hazel took the wrong time to play in the toilet

"Hazel, we don't play in the toilet. We play with blocks and toys!"

Hannah loved her ham and cheese

Hazel wasn't so sure but followed her sister's lead

As her parents looked on, Hannah felt nervous with all the attention

It was time for bed
"Once Upon a time.."

They read the twins to sleep, hoping they'd sleep through the night

Bonus Shots:
I forgot to delete this outfit so Dalton ate breakfast in his Knight costume

I figured the couple needed to get on their painting skills for future portraits

I love the tuck in interaction. It's so cute

Regina decided on an organic remedy, which got her a promotion so it's all good


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