Saturday, 1 July 2023

1 Sim, 100 Babies: Sasha 1.5

 Sasha has been trying to finish this for about 3 days now

Carla aged up calm

Meanwhile, Bettina is adorable

She discovered the nesting blocks

Sasha found a spare moment for tummy time

The basement was out of control again

Sasha for got about the bills


The pandasama toddler items are doing wonders for Alexa's skills

Sasha still working on Carla while Bettina escapes to better pastures

Sasha was attempting to multitask between cooking and paying attention to her kids

How Carla slept through this I'll never know

Sasha mastered the cooking skill!

The day ended on a happier note for once

Bettina just needed to learn how to stand

This was easier said than done

I don't know what happened the night before since Bettina was definitely in her crib

What even

I watched her crawl over here



Bettina was a bit concerned about this birthday thing

She became independent and angelic

Alexa betrayed me

Sasha may have lost her mind just a little

I want everyone to know that the prompt to draw this was 'Corona'

As much as I'm glad that Carla can sit up on her own now, can we please give her a bath Sasha?

I was going to wait until Carla was a toddler but....

Opportunity has presented itself

Hook, line and sinker


Maybe this one will be a boy

Alexa has finally done it!

As tradition dictates, Don's daughter is beautiful

Alexa is a kleptomaniac, outgoing and lazy

Do you mind, Nancy?

Updated Family Photo


Babies: 3

Baby Ratio: 0:3