Monday, 29 May 2023

Stone Legacy - Bella 1.8

 It's Deja's first day of school and she looks so excited about it

With Deja gone for the day, Bella spent most of her time tending to the twins

Sherman got a promotion!

Good dad Sherman tried to help Deja get better at hopscotch

Deja's school trip was at Bella's diner

Bella may have snuck her some free angel cake

Ever since the field trip, Deja seemed to be interested in cooking

She took to selling her baked goods on the sidewalk

Sherman was on baby duty once Bella went to work

Speaking of Bella, she got a promotion

Deja is the cutest T-rex I ever did see

Jasmine finally learned how to walk

Meanwhile, Jada was playing with Deja's dollhouse, ignoring the shenanigans in the other room

My game hilariously recreated the umbrella academy meme

The lack of sleep was getting to Bella

Sherman found himself fixing something at least once a day

Maybe it's time for an upgrade...

It's twin birthday time~

Jasmine became frugal

Jada, on the other hand, became brave

Sherman decided to not use his car to go to work for some reason


This poor lady chose the wrong time to walk by

"Well...that happened"

"Maybe the house is over a secret burial ground?"

The twins couldn't help but freak out over the recent events


I have a mod installed that randomizes events but DAMN

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Life's Insanity - Christy 1.4

 Christy took some time to catch up on some reading with all her time off

She stayed late learning some new recipes

Look at Cyclone going to bed at a regular time.

Goog Job, boy

I decided to get them a game system so Cyclone had something else to do

So I caught Cyclone cyber-woohooing with Tamara Donner

That's 1 strike. I'll allow 3 strikes before he has to go. 

I'm watching you, Cyclone

 I have autonomous woohoo on so....

I feel like this is karma


Christy decided some extra money would be great became partner at the diner

While she was there, Gunther Goth decided to go and die

Cornelia, despite the two being divorced in my save, was heartbroken

Christy decided it was time to go home after that

So autonomous woohoo might also be risky...

Oh well!

Cyclone got a promotion somehow

It's Cyclone's birthday!

I hate Cyclone's nose so much...but I think I made it work

Christy's back was killing her

Off to the spa she went

Christy couldn't wait for their baby to come

With her time off, Christy was able to get some chores done

"Are you serious!?"

The baby decided that their mother has suffered enough 

Christy drove off to the hospital

Cyclone arrived eventually

Meanwhile, the house was imploding

It's a girl!

Her name is Faith

"Night night, Faith"

Christy may be a walking zombie right now but shows where her priorities lie

With Faith happy in her swing, Christy got to fixing the house

"Somehow, this is the Landgraab's fault. I know it"


Self Wetting:

Passing Out:

Eating Spoiled Food:

Fires: -5

Accidental Death:

Social Worker Visit:

Birth: +5

Twin Birth:

Triplet Birth:

Leaving baby or toddler at home alone:

Fulfilling LTW:

Top of Career: 

Honour Roll:

Failing School: 


Getting Fired: 

Randomizing LTW and traits for an entire generation:

Not using spares happiness points for an entire generation:

Every 100 000 simoleons:

NPS getting promotion: + 10

NPS reach top of Career:

Immortalizing Torch Holder: 

Total: +10