Saturday, 30 April 2016

Strange Life Happenings - Bella 1.4

Bella thought it was time to get back to work when a stranger called her for a case.

'It's good to get back to work but I hope the babysitter will be alright'

It seems her client was deeply in love.
"There's this girl I want to confess to. Can you ask around and see if she likes me too?"
'What is this highschool?'

Bella asked around but got nothing but bad news.

'Sigh. This is gonna be sad.'

Bella returned home to find Alanna in one of her moods
"Honestly, dear..."

"It's time for all good toddlers to go to bed..."

Who needed an alarm clock when she had Adam?

"Where did you learn that word?"

Adam's birthday was soon upon them and Bella was a little sad.

"Happy birthday, Adam!"

"Blow them out!"

Adam grew up looking a bit like his mother.

Adam and Alanna generally played together without any issues.
Bella was so appreciative of that.

"Ugh. Nothing in this house ever works"

Morgan didn't seem to understand to concept of divorce.
"Morgan...No, I don't want to get back together"

It seems Bella was being assaulted by raccoons.
"Damn rodents.."

It was a chilly morning when Bella and Adam were getting ready for the day.

He ran off to catch the bus and Bella hoped he'd be warm.
Their money situation wasn't that great.

"At least it's warm in here"

Bella was also off to take another case.

'I feel like something very stupid is about to happen'

"I'm dating someone and I want to know if I should marry her. Can you find if she'll say yes?"
'Didn't I just do this?'

Bella found the woman in question.
"So he wants to marry you but is nervous about the answer"
"It's too soon but I appreciate the effort."

Bella didn't even know why she was needed.

"She's not ready. Give it some time and I'm sure you'll work it out"

"Morgan, stop calling me...please"

Things seemed to be going well for the couple.

Bella had moved on. She met an alien that was visiting her home and wanted to get to know him better.

Meanwhile, love was not in the air.

"Morgan, I swear to plumbob.."

Luckily, Bella managed to get a good babysitter and didn't have to worry.

Bella was paying the bills when her phone rang

It was her alien friend (who's name I totally didn't write down so I have no idea) and he was coming to visit.

"Oh my plumbob....what am I going to wear?"

Bella was so happy that she wasn't even mad when Morgan called.

"If I'm going to woo him, I have to look good. Or that's always what mom used to say"

He arrived and they ended up talking in the snow.

Bella was rather happy. Sure he wasn't human but she didn't care about that. He was nice and liked kids.

She just wished he didn't live so far away.

He started to visit more often and Bella saw him at least once a week.

Things were so good that they started to date.

It was an odd long distance relationship but it worked.

Eventually, he moved in.

After Bella wrangled some human clothes for him, He started to help with the child rearing.

The kids, but especially Alanna, were quite taken with him.

Of course, nothing could go perfectly.
"Morgan! I swear to plumbob!"

"I have moved on and have no interest in getting back together. And pay your child support!"

Bella hoped that would be the end of that.

Having an alien for a boyfriend had it's perks. Bella hoped she'd never have to fix that shower again.

He decided to become an Equestrian as he was enamored with horses.
Bella was just glad it wasn't criminal related.

After Morgan, Bella never thought she'd find love again.
Yet with him, she could be happy.

Bonus Shots:
Alanna's resting face

Adam's room

Our alien friend first showed up when the zombies were upon us

He thought they were hilarious

The best thing about having an alien move in with you.

Bella was like this for ages and I don't know why.

I've had these screenshots in my folder forever. I need to get on the posting ball.